Teacher Tales #28 – The student voice and identity: Jessica, teacher advocate for social justice, language access and the rights of refugees and immigrants in schools and master “helper”

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Teacher Tales #28 - The student voice and identity: Jessica, teacher advocate for social justice, language access and the rights of refugees and immigrants in schools and master “helper”

In this episode, we have a super powerful and insightful conversation with Jessica, a former college professor now teaching in a high school in the Midwest. Jessica says that it was destiny that she made that change because she feels like, with high school students, she gets to “teach with her whole heart.” And whole heart is exactly what Jessica brings to her school and to her students as she sponsors several clubs for students seeking a supportive adult and an outlet for them to safely share their true identity and their voice. She tries to help wherever she can and whomever she can as she sponsors clubs for LGBTQ+, immigrant and refugee students. She also does translation and support for refugee and immigrant persons in her community. She says that she “has an obligation as a person of privilege to provide opportunities and expansion of capabilities to others who have not had those same privileges as she has had.”  Through her lessons, she says that her teaching is helping to  “heal homophobia, racism, prejudices and social injustices.”  This champion for student identity and voice says that “children come to us pre-validated, and we just need to help them see that and tell them that we notice and see who they really are.”  She believes that students deserve respect and that, when given the opportunity, their learning can go wider and deeper than what we give them credit for. Jessica also has fun with her students as she uses her parrot, Merlin, as motivation and a system of reward. You can check out Merlin using his voice for musical interpretations here. Enjoy!

Teacher Tales #27 – The power of words to authorize our worthiness, inform identity and create connection points of impact – Dr. Malik Boykin (a.k.a. Malik Starx) professor at Brown University, researcher and hip-hop artist

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Teacher Tales #27 - The power of words to authorize our worthiness, inform identity and create connection points of impact - Dr. Malik Boykin (a.k.a. Malik Starx) professor at Brown University, researcher and hip-hop artist

In this episode, we have the great pleasure and honor of meeting Dr. Malik Boykin, the first Black professor in the Department of Cognitive, Linguistic and Psychological Science at Brown University. Dr. Boykin studies discrimination and the psychological impact of it. He also teaches a popular course on stigma and prejudice. Through his research as a professor as well as his experiences as a Black man and hip-hop artist, he has discovered the power of words and stories. Once told by teachers and a guidance counselor in high school that he would not amount to much in life, Malik tells us that he learned that he had to look in the mirror and  “authorize” his worthiness in this world. He says that we need to walk away from labels, limitations and lies and become the authors of our own life stories. We cannot let others define us or write our story and plot the course of our life. He reminds us that, as teachers, we have the power of words to “authorize” our students in order to create connection points of meaningful impact. Influenced by the powerful words of Maya Angelou, Malik has authored two hip-hop songs, Dancing for Freedom, and Still I Rise that have gone viral on TikTok. Check them out here and connect with Malik through social media on Instagram @starxmalik and TikTok, FB @malikstarx   To learn more about Malik, go to https://www.malikstarx.com/   Be sure to check out Boykin Research Lab  https://www.boykinlab.com/  Shout out to Kizzy Parks and her podcast Essential Life Skills for You! for the nomination.

Teacher Tales #26 – Teacher’s role as a change-maker, state-shifter and dreamweaver: Kim @FreetheMindCo, mother, educator and thought leader

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Teacher Tales #26 - Teacher’s role as a change-maker, state-shifter and dreamweaver: Kim @FreetheMindCo, mother, educator and thought leader

In this episode, you will find hope, inspiration, support and direction from Kim, the founder of Free the Mind Co.  Education Week released a study that shows that teachers are more vulnerable to anxiety and depression than any other profession. Another survey shows that over 50% of teachers are burned out and want to leave the profession. Through her experiences working with Steven Spielberg on Schindler’s List, with Holocaust Survivors, with Apartheid Activists in South Africa and with orphan and vulnerable children affected by HIV aids, Kim has garnered a wealth of knowledge, compassion, heart, vision and purpose to make the world a better place. To this end, she has partnered with her son, Brent, to create resources, support, trainings and curriculum that help teachers, students and parents navigate their way through anxiety and depression and to develop greater self-awareness and SEL skills. Kim and Brent discovered that anxiety and other emotional challenges stop potential and keep dreams from coming true, but that teachers have the power to create change by shifting the state of being of a child in any given moment and to help them weave together their potential and their dreams. This is a call and an invitation to all teachers to re-examine what is important in the classroom, to re-focus and to create, manifest and weave together a whole new world of potential and possibilities for all children. After, all, the children are watching us, as adults and role models, and we have a choice in every moment how we will show up for them. Success in school is not measured by tests, data, funding, titles or whatever “gizmos and gadgets galore” we own…it is about how we prepare students to answer life’s greatest questions and to learn how to W.I.N., by asking this essential question: What’s.Important.Now?

Check out the resources, courses, support and trainings (including one with Spirit of Teaching)  at freethemindco.com or you can reach out to spiritofteaching.org    

Teacher Tales #25 – Mental “well”-ness, Ayurveda, energy work and other support systems for teachers and students: Maryam, British teacher in International School in Viet Nam, children’s book illustrator and lover of children

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Teacher Tales #25 - Mental “well”-ness, Ayurveda, energy work and other support systems for teachers and students: Maryam, British teacher in International School in Viet Nam, children’s book illustrator and lover of children

In this episode, we have the privilege and pleasure to travel halfway around the world to meet Maryam, an Indian heritage, British born teacher who is teaching in an International School in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. Through her own struggles with anxiety and mental health challenges, losing loved ones during the pandemic, being isolated and suffering physical illness, Maryam was set on a personal learning journey that would not only help her grow, but that also led her to find the skills, strategies and resources to create a wellness toolkit that she could then share with her students for their mental health and well-being. Maryam is inspirational, positive and uplifting in all that she shares with us to create personal pathways of peace and well-being both in and out of the classroom. As teachers start their journey for a new school year, Maryam’s ideas and tips will become an invaluable resource to help maintain the course of mental wellness and overall well-being. Let’s listen, open our hearts, hold hands and help each other through the challenges of teaching that we will inevitably face every day so that we can all be well and do well in order to make a difference in the lives of children!

Teacher Tales #24 – Mental health needs and solutions in schools, Mindfulness, creating resilient and empowered students: Jennifer – Middle School ELA teacher, mental health advocate, mother of triplets and singer in the Take a Stand Rock Band that promotes anti-bullying

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Teacher Tales #24 - Mental health needs and solutions in schools, Mindfulness, creating resilient and empowered students: Jennifer - Middle School ELA teacher, mental health advocate, mother of triplets and singer in the Take a Stand Rock Band that promotes anti-bullying

In this episode, we meet Jennifer, a Middle School English Language Arts teacher who was featured in a Reuters article about mental health in our schools. Jennifer teaches in the Parkland School District in Allentown, PA and speaks about all of the great initiatives that her school and her district are doing to help support the mental health and well-being of their teachers and students. As the mother of triplets, she reminds us that all children are different and have different needs. She says that we need to remember that we don’t teach a subject or a grade, but rather we teach students, and that it is our job to see them and to hear them and to support their needs. We must show them how to build resilience and manage their own learning. Every Monday, she gives each child a sticky note and asks them to “check-in” with a celebration or a struggle that they have experienced recently, and write it on the back of the note. If they want her to check in with them, personally, then they put a check mark on the front of the sticky. Just this one activity gave Jennifer tremendous connection and heartfelt communication with her students to then ask “what’s going on, and how can I support you?” What happens when our amygdala is firing, and where does mindfulness come in?

Jennifer shares so many great ideas and strategies of how we can support the mental health and well-being of both teachers and students and even parents. She has a deep, multi-directional perspective on what we all have been going through in schools. Check it out, but be ready to take lots of notes and also get curious about how you can start your own Take a Stand Rock Band!

Teacher Tales #23 – Teacher talents and TECHnicalities and the critical “P’s” in education: Tamara – Certified Google for Education Trainer, teacher mentor and tech superpower champion

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Teacher Tales #23 - Teacher talents and TECHnicalities and the critical “P’s” in education: Tamara - Certified Google for Education Trainer, teacher mentor and tech superpower champion

In this episode, our guest, Tamara, takes us down technology memory lane and reminds us how teaching is more than a textbook and a chalkboard. This especially came to light during the pandemic as teachers struggled to find a way to reach and teach their students. She highlights how technology can empower or disempower teachers, depending on their mindset and willingness to try something new and different. Tamara touched on some key “P’s” in education: procedures, permission, practice and perspective and letting go of panic and perfection. These P’s” help us stay out of fear and help us see the possibilities and believe “YES! I CAN!” She also shares how teachers wear many hats and have many talents and super powers that enrich every students’ learning experience and journey. She adds that “teachers are like the conductor in an orchestra’ helping each and every student find their own section, instrument and tune to play in harmony with others.

Teacher Tales #22 – Mutual respect, curiosity, authenticity and interculturality in the classroom: Alaa – teacher from Palestine who is promoting intercultural, human connections and mutual respect through greater understandings

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Teacher Tales #22 - Mutual respect, curiosity, authenticity and interculturality in the classroom: Alaa - teacher from Palestine who is promoting intercultural, human connections and mutual respect through greater understandings

In this episode, we cross oceans, continents, language barriers and stereotypes to gain wise, profound and personal insights from Alaa, a young man born in Palestine, and who taught English there for 11 years. But then, life carried him on a journey to the “land of opportunity” where he would work as a gas station attendant until he could get his teacher certification here and be hired to teach Arabic in, of all places, Georgia! Alaa shares stories of the culture shock he had to work through as well as the language barriers he had to cross in order to understand his students, but also to be understood by his students. He said that an agreement of mutual respect and compassion made it all possible as he and his students opened their hearts and their minds to create meaningful and caring relationships. He says that they taught him as much about life as he did them. Alaa explains how, as humans, we are learning from each other in every interaction and every communication. He added that teachers are like treasure hunters just trying to dig down deep into the heart of a child and find the hidden treasure, the real gem that is hidden there and that is unique to each child. Thank you, Alaa, as you are a treasure to your students, and you are “paying it forward” from that one teacher that made a big difference in your young life once!

Teacher Tales #21 – Teacher identity, “seasons” and permission slip to be human: Adrienne – Black female educator, influencer and culturally responsive teacher

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Teacher Tales #21 - Teacher identity, “seasons” and permission slip to be human: Adrienne - Black female educator, influencer and culturally responsive teacher

In this episode, Adrienne, a black female educator in Georgia, takes us on a journey through the “seasons” of her teaching career…the ups, the downs, the ins, the outs. She explains how through the changing of these teaching seasons, she has had many personal and professional awakenings that have led her to have an intentional focus on self-help and self-care. She has learned to prioritize, to set boundaries, to join like-minded groups and to listen to podcasts for inspiration and guidance. Through this process, she has become acutely aware that we all, teachers, students, admin, etc., need to give ourselves more permission slips to be human. Adrienne no longer focuses solely on a single concept lesson, but rather develops lasting relationships and influences her students to find their identity through rich, deep, meaningful discussions and lessons that help them find their identity, their place in the community and their purpose and place of service in this world. As a black female educator in one of the most diverse schools in the country, Adrienne has become passionate about social justice, equity, diversity and culturally responsive teaching. Her greatest focus now is on the well-being of her students, the influence she has on their lives and being a caretaker and mentor to them all. That’s the BEST LESSON PLAN EVER!!!  Thank you, Adrienne!

Teacher Tales #20 – The Teacher’s Journey and Voice: Andrea – teacher, librarian, mentor and lifelong voice to and for children

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Teacher Tales #20 - The Teacher’s Journey and Voice: Andrea - teacher, librarian, mentor and lifelong voice to and for children

In this episode, we meet Andrea, a teacher whose journey has taken her across the country from the sandy beaches of California to the space coast of Florida. Andrea has taught at the elementary, middle and high school levels as well as college. As her journey progressed, so did her learning as she pursued more degrees, certifications and experiences, eventually transitioning from a classroom teacher to a librarian position. Andrea’s journey is not much different from that of so many other teachers across the country…one of stretching, growing, learning, mentoring, sharing and giving from her heart in service to children. She tells us that “teaching is a force within us” and it helps us develop our skills, talents and use our voice to help educate children and inspire other teachers. Then, she ponders this: “when is our teacher voice quiet, and are we ever done being a true teacher in our hearts?” So many teacher voices are being quieted or just becoming mute because they feel they are being devalued and/or disempowered. Be sure to grab some tissues before listening because Andrea is going to reach in and touch the very spirit of your teacher heart! Don’t forget to share with other teachers to help them re-kindle the passion of teaching in their hearts. 

Teacher Tales #19 – Teacher passion, impact and impressions, studying and teaching abroad; planting seeds: Cristin – Instructional coach, interculturality and global perspective leader

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Teacher Tales #19 - Teacher passion, impact and impressions, studying and teaching abroad; planting seeds: Cristin - Instructional coach, interculturality and global perspective leader

In this episode, we travel to many different places to learn the story of Cristin, a teacher who has taught in Texas, Minnesota, Colorado, Mexico, Colombia, Albania and India. Cristin shares with us how wanting to know and communicate better with “cute boys” from Mexico led her on a path to study Spanish here in the U.S. as well as abroad. She explains how she gained new perspectives on different systems of education and different ways of teaching. Cristin shares with us how she learned that it’s not about the latest “bells and whistles”, but rather about a teacher’s passion for who, what and why they are teaching. She lives by a philosophy that most teachers live by (no matter where you live in the world!): “you are planting seeds of a tree that you will probably never sit in the shade of.” It is a teacher’s purpose and motivation. Teachers help grow the minds and hearts of children…one seed at a time. The impact and impression a teacher has on a child will last a lifetime, and visa versa. That is the magic of school and the real growth that we should be measuring!

Teacher Tales #18 – Finding your teacher tribe, asking for what you need, balancing demands as a parent and as a teacher: Lisa P – Chinese teacher, single mom, networking “specialist”

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Teacher Tales #18 - Finding your teacher tribe, asking for what you need, balancing demands as a parent and as a teacher: Lisa P - Chinese teacher, single mom, networking “specialist”

In this episode, we meet Lisa and gain a new perspective on what it is like to teach a subject that only four other teachers in your state teach. Lisa tells us how challenging it was to even become certified in a subject such as Chinese, but also how difficult it was to find professional development to meet her needs. She learned early on in her career that she needed to reach out, attend conferences, network and collaborate with others and find her “teacher tribe”. Lisa also reminds us that we need to ask for what we need and to take input and advice from others, like admin, colleagues and even our own students.  She says we need to become a “learned extrovert”, come out of our teaching silos and network with like-minded people in order to learn and grow into the best teachers for our students. Lisa also talks about how much effort she had to put into marketing and building her program, and how balancing work and home life became a priority. She explains how she had to learn and accept the fact she would need to “selectively abandon” some things that were not a priority in order to maintain balance and avoid burnout. Finally, Lisa gives some great advice and suggestions to admin, parents, colleagues, students and everyone else in our school community of how we can offer support to our teachers. It doesn’t have to just happen during Teacher Appreciation Week either! So, listen and take notes in order to take note of the teachers in your life that you love, value and appreciate every day, all year long!

Teacher Tales #17 – Coaching, encouraging, problem solving and painting a bigger picture in education: Ginger – Science, teacher consultant and co-founder of a science non-profit

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Teacher Tales #17 - Coaching, encouraging, problem solving and painting a bigger picture in education: Ginger - Science, teacher consultant and co-founder of a science non-profit

In this episode, we hear from Ginger who tells us that she has been associated with teaching many different subjects like drama, P.E. and science, but that really, she considers herself a teacher of people and that in this role, it was her job to coach and encourage. Ginger says that every subject is important to enriching someone’s life, and that curiosity is key and at the core of learning any subject. We need to give students a learning experience first, and then, the subject or book knowledge. She goes on to explain that STEM is just a way of giving students tools to solve real-world problems, but that those problems can also be solved through the arts as well. Ginger uses a beautiful art metaphor to describe teaching. She says that planning for a learning experience is where we are in our flow as teachers. The classroom is where we have the time and space, which are like our canvas and brush. The different students who come to our classroom are the beautiful paints that we can use to create our work of art, which manifests as their learning. Ginger believes that ALL teachers want to be good teachers, but that we don’t give them enough time and space to reflect and apply their teaching arts and crafts. Teachers give so much to the world, and Ginger is no exception. Check out the non-profit that she co-founded to recognize science teachers and the sacrifices their families make to support the cause of learning and to provide a better education for all children. https://spacecoastscience.org/   

Teacher Tales #16 – Teacher impact and the power of humor, stories and having fun in the classroom: Cheri – master storyteller, state supervisor and FUNny Spanish teacher

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Teacher Tales #16 - Teacher impact and the power of humor, stories and having fun in the classroom: Cheri - master storyteller, state supervisor and FUNny Spanish teacher

In this episode, Cheri lightens things up with stories and humor and human connections in the classroom. She shares how the impact of a teacher may not be felt or show up right away, but assures us that it is always there. It shows up in the stories we tell and the stories our students tell. Our impact can be positive or negative…our choice. Cheri always chose humor and light-heartedness to make those human connections to her students and to make everyone feel comfortable and at ease. She tells us that, even though she was a “rule-follower” in school, she managed to have fun and be FUNny with her students because she wanted to enjoy the classroom experience just as much as the students did. Cheri also tells us that through her experiences as a classroom teacher to a state supervisor, the greatest lesson she learned is that “good teaching is good teaching, no matter the subject or content”. We bring our PERSON-alities into the classroom to role model for our students and to serve as a mirror that reflects all that is good: being positive, humorous, encouraging, supportive, caring, collaborative, compassionate and light-hearted. How much and to what are kids paying attention? What will our students remember about their experiences in our classroom? Every interaction has an impact. Join Cheri and me as we “lighten up”, have fun and maintain our sense of humor through some very “serious” educational topics.  

Teacher Tales #15 – Systems for self-care and setting us all up for success both in and out of the classroom: Lynn – Language teacher, spiritual leader and advocate for the bigger picture lessons of life

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Teacher Tales #15 - Systems for self-care and setting us all up for success both in and out of the classroom: Lynn - Language teacher, spiritual leader and advocate for the bigger picture lessons of life

In this episode, Lynn joins us for a deep conversation about the bigger picture lessons of life and how we learn from them, share them and teach them to others, especially our students. After studying and experiencing different ancient wisdom traditions of indigenous cultures around the world, Lynn realized how important and effective they were to her own self-care, sanity and survival as well as to the well-being of the classroom culture. Tapping into basic human nature, Lynn was able to establish best practices and daily routines that removed roadblocks to problems and helped establish a clear and supported path forward. There is a lot of talk these days about teacher self-care and social-emotional learning as if they were something new that have come about as a result of the pandemic. However, as you will learn from Lynn’s story and teaching journey, understanding the roles of human nature and Mother Nature have always been critical and essential to learning, growing and evolving into the best versions of ourselves to show up in this world. We need to gift this ancient wisdom and incorporate these best practices into our daily lives, both in and out of the classroom. We must do this for ourselves and for our students and for the well-being and healing of our profession. Listen to this wisdom, take notes and incorporate these best practices into your life’s lesson plans! Then, observe and celebrate how much your life and the lives of others is transformed!  

Teacher Tales #14 – The real rewards of teaching, staying motivated and the importance of the school culture – Carmen: Role model for students, teacher of teachers, technology guru and Spanish teacher in N.C.

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Teacher Tales #14 - The real rewards of teaching, staying motivated and the importance of the school culture - Carmen: Role model for students, teacher of teachers, technology guru and Spanish teacher in N.C.

In this episode, we have the opportunity to meet Carmen, a teacher with a heart of gold and a radiant smile. Carmen teaches in a rural community of North Carolina, but she says that every day she wants to show her students the world of possibilities beyond where they live. Carmen says she doesn’t go to work every day, but rather, she tells people that she “goes to school” because that is where she gets to be a role model and inspiration to her students through care, compassion and love. She says she is a “people person” and really works on the “person” in her interpersonal connections and communication. Carmen reminds us that behind that desk, behind that computer screen and behind that mask, there is a person…a developing human being who needs to be seen, heard and valued. Teaching is her purpose in life, and she fulfills that purpose every day with a heart of gold that places a little treasure in the hearts of every one of her students to help them see their potential and take risks to grow. Finally, and most profoundly, she says, “it’s never about WHAT we teach; it is always about WHO we teach”. Amen, sister! Listen and let Carmen bring a warm smile to your face as you tap back into those heartfelt rewards of teaching.

Teacher Tales #13 – Awareness of cultural and linguistic diversity in school, joy in math, tough love and life lessons for all: Annie, math teacher from the Philippines, master motivator and baker!

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Teacher Tales #13 - Awareness of cultural and linguistic diversity in school, joy in math, tough love and life lessons for all: Annie, math teacher from the Philippines, master motivator and baker!

In this episode, we get a chance to meet Annie, a math teacher who is originally from the Philippines. Annie helps us to see different perspectives on learning math, teaching in different countries, contexts and cultures and what it takes to help students become successful in her class and in life.  A teacher with a BIG heart, Annie has taught for over 35 years.  But still, she finds joy and motivation from her students to show up every day even though she is considered “high risk” in the pandemic. Almost every year, Annie has a 100% pass rate on the AP Calculus exam, which is the hardest AP exam. How does she do it? Listen and find out what her “secret sauce” to teaching is and how she motivates her students. Also, discover the surprise reveal of how she wants to be remembered by her students. Here’s another statistic for Annie: you will be 100% delighted and inspired by this amazing lady! 

Teacher Tales #12 – Teacher influence, trailblazing and advocacy: Dawn – French teacher, District Supervisor, Director MORE Professional Learning

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Teacher Tales #12 - Teacher influence, trailblazing and advocacy: Dawn - French teacher, District Supervisor, Director MORE Professional Learning

In this episode, we meet Dawn, an accomplished and nationally renowned educator. As the daughter of missionary parents, Dawn’s learning journey began as a non-French speaking student in the French educational system. She talks about how she had to figure things out on her own and how there weren’t any support systems in place to help guide her. As such, this has sparked a passion in Dawn to be a trailblazer and advocate for figuring out what teachers and students need in order to become successful. She reflects on the lessons learned from teaching and learning in a pandemic, and says we must advocate for change. We must stop measuring ourselves against “what was” because that just will lead us back to old practices and misguided beliefs. Instead, we need to be strategic in our approach. Dawn calls herself a “disruptor” who goes down roads others haven’t traveled before. She says that it is uncomfortable at first, and even painful at times. We will make a lot of mistakes, BUT we also need to make room for those mistakes…room which can only be created through trust and healthy relationships. Finally, Dawn truly believes in the power and impact of a good teacher, mentor and true experts in the field. “We need to model and share and not be afraid to hold hands and build each other up” so that we can blaze a new trail in education!

Teacher Tales #11 – Teacher burnout, finding joy in teaching and the teacher voice: Lee – Spanish teacher from Georgia and creator of good global citizens!

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Teacher Tales #11 - Teacher burnout, finding joy in teaching and the teacher voice: Lee - Spanish teacher from Georgia and creator of good global citizens!

In this episode, Lee, a Spanish teacher from Georgia, talks about how to manage teacher burnout and re-kindle the joy in teaching again. He shares with us valuable wisdom he has learned throughout his career in teaching, which he once left because of burnout and damage to his vocal cords. Lee says that the voice is a teacher’s most precious tool, and that we need to use it to get to know our students and their stories. He also relates how teaching is about helping students to discover life lessons that will build character and make them good global citizens. Finally, Lee enlightens us to the pitfalls of cognitive distortions, the power of a smile and getting to know that “person behind the mask”. Listen and be ready for a lot of ah-ha pinging and heart singing! Then, share with a teacher you feel is struggling and needs to be lifted up to find joy again in teaching!

Teacher Tales #10 – Teaching is life, the arts from the heart and teacher impact: Amanda – former student, MS band director

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Teacher Tales #10 - Teaching is life, the arts from the heart and teacher impact: Amanda - former student, MS band director

In this episode, we hear Amanda’s story and what called her to teach. Amanda says that “teaching is life” because of all the real world connections and lessons a teacher can impart on students. She also says that the impact of a teacher can stay with us forever as we acquire new lenses through which to see the world. Amanda is a middle school band director and explains how music is healing and helps young people to process the world around them. She wants her students to be happy with who they are, how they have grown and to realize that they are enough for themselves and the world. Amanda truly communicates the “arts from the heart” and the need for more funding and support. Finally, she invites all policymakers, legislators and business leaders to come talk to the “experts” (ie-teachers) and spend time in their classrooms to see what teaching is really like! Amen, Amanda!

Teacher Tales #9 – The call to teach, the teaching family and a hero’s journey: Michelle – former student, new teacher and “connectedness” researcher

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Teacher Tales #9 - The call to teach, the teaching family and a hero's journey: Michelle - former student, new teacher and "connectedness" researcher

In this episode, I talk to Michelle, another former student who answered the calling to become a teacher. Born and raised in a teacher family, Michelle decided early on that she did NOT want to become a teacher. So, she pursued a PhD in psychology. However, a life crisis and a series of unfortunate events led her to finally answer the call to teach that had always been there, but that she had decided as a child to refuse to hear. Like myself and many other teachers I have known, Michelle was now following her true path on the “hero’s journey”, as Joseph Campbell called it…an adventure in teaching that would forever change her and her mission in life. Her first year teaching was at a Title 1 school and in a pandemic, yet, she found herself fully stepping into her calling for something “greater than” herself. She tells us that she decided to invest in children and their education through relationship and connectedness. She didn’t give in, but rather, gave back as much as she could, despite lack of funding, parental support and a landmine of social-emotional-psychological challenges that her students were facing each day. Michelle says that she took for granted how much teachers should be recognized and celebrated for what they do…but not anymore…and she hopes that others will come to realize how precious teachers really are to our culture, our community and our connectedness to each other!