The T in spirit


grace, growth, learning, safe, enough, worthy, courage (coeur), risks/vulnerability, choices and chances

TRUST – have faith in myself, my journey, my gifts and my purpose.  The Universe always has your back and a taxi will always show up when you need it!  Just get in, and go for the ride.  Surrender!  I am what I believe.  Just have the faith of a mustard seed, and you will climb mountains and do what seems to be the impossible!

TRANSFORMATION – I have a much greater understanding of the learning process and what it means to be a living spirit having a human experience.  I know that I am always evolving and growing into the next higher version of myself.  I have found my way back home, to my True Self and every day I use that as my North Star.  I am renewed in Spirit and strong in faith.  I try to live every day as a Phoenix, allowing all the pieces and layers that are not my True Self and that do not come from Spirit to burn away to ashes, so that I can be renewed again and forever free to fly and sing my love song to the world!