

INTUITION – go with my gut and my inner GPS on how to find my way because the Universe is always giving me directions and the answers can always be found within us



The origin of the word INTUITION:   (Etymonline)

“Intuition” is “from Late Latin intuitionem (nominative intuitio) “a looking at, consideration”.  Everyone has intuition, but most are not aware or tapped into it because of too many distractions and exterior stressors that prevent us from checking in with the feelings and sensations in our bodies.  We are a modern society of immediate gratification and constant stimulus to the brain through technology.  Thanks to technology and computers, we are a data-driven society that runs on charts, graphs, statistics and only things that are tangible and can be measured, quantified and qualified.  We ignore our guts in favor of spreadsheets, bar graphs, pie charts and other computer-generated viewpoints.

  Curiosity, play and flow fall by the wayside in school when everything has to be measured and quantified and placed in a spreadsheet.  Everything becomes quite formulaic and no one is “looking at” or “considering” any other possibilities other than those presented through the data.  Where are the other variables in the equation like what the child is dealing with at home or health/wellness or who they really are as a person?  What kind of children are they becoming when we are defining them as part of a spreadsheet, drawing a picture of their future in a pie chart or or measuring their worth through a bar graph?   What happens to dreams then?  Instead of encouraging children to follow the dreams in their hearts, we are presenting them with data and formulaic paths to only those careers in which it will be easy to get a job and/or make a lot of money so that they will be “successful” in life. Or we are packaging them into the “right-sized box”, slapping a label on that box and shipping it out where we think it should go.

Essential questions for INTUITION:

(applicable to self, students, parents, colleagues and all humans on journey of lifelong learning)

What am I curious about?  Why?

What do I do when I am curious?  Why?

How do I play?

How do I know when something is the right thing to do?

What do I do when I feel that feeling?

What am I really good at doing?

What could I be better at doing?

When am I in the flow, and how do I know that?

Where, when and with whom do I feel most comfortable, relaxed and at “home”?  Why?

Where is my “happy place”?  Why?

What does my heart tell me in this moment?

What am I feeling in my “gut”?

When do I feel most depleted?

When do I feel most energized?

How do I re-charge my batteries?

What do I do to practice self-care?

How can I take better care of myself?

Who are the people who matter most in my life?  Why?

What am I picking up on the thoughts, feelings and intentions of others?

How and when do I feel most connected to myself and to others?  Why?

When do I dream the most?

What do my dreams tell me about my self and my choices?

Who are in my dreams, and why?


Affirmations, cheers, “Can Do” Statements

for the “Common Core” Belief of INTUITION:

I am playful and feel light at heart.

Play renews my spirit and gives me energy.

I can find the right answer to all questions in my heart.

I am aware of my feelings in this present moment.

When I do what I love most, I am in the flow.

I am curious about my self and the choices I make.

I nurture relationships that nurture my soul.

I make choices that renew my spirit.

I practice self-care daily.

I am open and curious about my feelings and the feelings of others.

I am open and curious about my dreams.

I seek insights and greater understandings in all that I feel and do.

I seek insights and greater understandings in my relationship with others.

Greater self-awareness highlights my choices and better informs my decisions.

I feel a greater connection to myself and to others when I am doing (fill in the blank).

I follow my heart, which always leads me on the path to my dreams.

I am most comfortable, relaxed and at home when I live from my True Self.

If we check into our hearts and feel what is right and do what our heart’s desires tell us, we can then put all the pieces together and become an integral part of the whole.