Teacher Tales #8 – Passing on a bit of ourselves to our students: Leslie – former student & now elementary school teacher

Teacher Tales
Teacher Tales
Teacher Tales #8 - Passing on a bit of ourselves to our students: Leslie - former student & now elementary school teacher

In this episode, I talk to Leslie, one of my former students who answered the calling to become a teacher. Leslie shares great insight into what it was like to teach in a Title 1 school that the state took over and managed because of low scores on state tests. She explains how “data does not shape or mold a child or determine who they really are or their potential.” Leslie also shares the heartache and the burden of the demands of making “learning gains” during the day at school when really all she can worry about is Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and what is going on in her “kids'” world at night when they aren’t at school…are they safe?… are they getting enough to eat?… do they have clean clothes? This reality in teaching is so hard and can easily break a teacher’s heart. Yet, Leslie says that the greatest gift of teaching is “the privilege of working with little humans and all their unique and special personalities that will someday show up and make a difference in this world.” To all the true teacher hearts like Leslie’s, thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Teacher Tales #7 – School values, heroes, impact and memories: Ricky – Teacher, Admin, Publisher, Actor and Bus Driver!

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Teacher Tales
Teacher Tales #7 - School values, heroes, impact and memories: Ricky - Teacher, Admin, Publisher, Actor and Bus Driver!

In this episode, I talk to Ricky, a person who has worn many hats related to the field of education. His varied and profound experiences have taught him many lessons. Both as a teacher and as an actor, his purpose was to engage and motivate his “audience” to see more and to learn more about themselves and the lessons of life. Both require people skills and so much more than just reading a script or checking off a standard. As an administrator and a publisher, he has learned the importance of equity of access to resources, materials and “concrete ideas that will not sacrifice student learning.” Finally, Ricky gives heartfelt insight to the impact of not only teachers, but also school bus drivers and other school personnel. He says that they are all unsung heroes who help create and shape who children become and their perceived value in the world. It is all about making a difference and creating cherished school memories, connections and hope that will last a lifetime. Listen, be inspired and share your fondest school memories!

Teacher Tales #6 – Collaboration, Collegiality and Building Community: Krista and Sandrine – PFFs, PhDs and PD “explorers”

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Teacher Tales
Teacher Tales #6 - Collaboration, Collegiality and Building Community: Krista and Sandrine - PFFs, PhDs and PD "explorers"

In this episode, I talk to Krista and Sandrine, two college professors who are PFFs (professional friends forever). These lovely ladies will have you laughing out loud as they share their stories of partnership and collaboration on special projects and professional development  “adventures” together. They support, encourage and help each other survive, grow and thrive through the challenges of teaching. They remind us to not let social media or “super teacher” stories make us feel defeated or not good at our jobs. There should be no professional jealousy, competition, insecurities of not being enough or being left behind. Everyone has something to offer, and we can all learn from each other. We are better together, stronger together and in this together! And Krista and Sandrine practice what they preach!  Together, they will lighten your spirit with laughter and enlighten your teaching with real best practices. Be sure to check out their weekly podcast “Step Into Mondays” as well as their website: http://stepintomondays.com/wordpress     

Teacher Tales #5 – The Importance of Priority, Balance and Sustainability: Meredith, HS Spanish Teacher, Conference “junkie” and T.O.Y.

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Teacher Tales
Teacher Tales #5 - The Importance of Priority, Balance and Sustainability: Meredith, HS Spanish Teacher, Conference "junkie" and T.O.Y.

In this episode, we talk to Meredith, a high school Spanish teacher and conference “junkie” who gives so much to her students, to her colleagues and to her profession. So, how does she do it? She explains that the etymology of the word “priority” was always singular, but how we have now made it plural and created situations that are not sustainable unless we set boundaries and a balance between our professional and personal lives as well as our inner and outer worlds. She explores how teaching is too much and not enough at the same time, how enough is a decision and not an amount and why “no” is a complete sentence that we need to get to know better. Meredith is such a genuine person who speaks such profound truth about teaching, but at the same time, she offers a lighter and somewhat humorous perspective for us to enjoy. As she says, we need to take our job seriously, but sometimes, we need to take ourselves less seriously. We have to become more aware, vulnerable and real about what we need so that we can be more empowered to make those choices that will help us set one priority, bring balance and create sustainability in life.

Teacher Tales #4 – Finding Strength, Hope and Humanity: Norah, teacher coach and consultant

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Teacher Tales
Teacher Tales #4 - Finding Strength, Hope and Humanity: Norah, teacher coach and consultant

In this episode, we talk to Norah, a kindred spirit who has had a long career in education as a teacher, supervisor, and organization leader, and in world language educational publishing as an author, trainer, and director of professional development. Norah is a certified Gallup Strengths Coach and has her own consultant business, Fluency Consulting LLC. Norah shares her story of how she “fell into teaching to avoid cows” and how her many experiences have led her to discover the many strengths in herself and to lead others to do the same. She speaks of how important vulnerability, hope and humanity are to success in the classroom. Norah also gives very sage advice to all teachers, and humans really, of how to build relationships both in and out of the classroom through three basic steps of “affirming, engaging and inviting”. Listen and be inspired by this amazing lady! And be sure to check out her podcast, blog and other resources at https://fluency.consulting

Teacher Tales #3 – Comfort, Care and Connections in the Classroom: Lisa, HS English Teacher

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Teacher Tales
Teacher Tales #3 - Comfort, Care and Connections in the Classroom: Lisa, HS English Teacher

In this episode, we talk to Lisa, a high school English Language Arts teacher who shares the importance of creating comfort, care and connections in the classroom. She tells many engaging stories about the lessons she has learned in the classroom such as the need for reflection, not taking things personally and modeling behaviors that students can trust and follow. Lisa had originally planned to be a lawyer, but as we know, the calling of the heart of a teacher always has other (lesson) plans! And children’s lives have been changed and blessed as a result!

Teacher Tales #2 – The Teacher Heart: Heather, Middle School Spanish

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Teacher Tales
Teacher Tales #2 - The Teacher Heart: Heather, Middle School Spanish

In this episode, we talk to Heather, a middle school Spanish teacher who shares the importance of creativity and making mistakes in the learning journey, the essential need for good mental health and self-care for teachers and why she recently left teaching to pursue a new adventure in Mexico. But most of all, Heather shows us a true teacher heart that invites and includes all children on a personalized path to learning and growing into the best versions of themselves to show up in the world!

Teacher Tales #1-Building Relationships: Laura, 4th grade, ELL/Gifted

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Teacher Tales
Teacher Tales #1-Building Relationships: Laura, 4th grade, ELL/Gifted

In this very first episode of Teacher Tales, we talk to Laura, a 4th grade teacher in Florida who has been teaching for 20 years. She has taught 3rd and 4th grade ELL and Gifted classes. Her story tells us about the importance of building relationships with students, meeting students where they are in their learning journey and creating little “social justice warriors” for the greater good of humanity!