Teacher Tales #1-Building Relationships: Laura, 4th grade, ELL/Gifted

Teacher Tales
Teacher Tales
Teacher Tales #1-Building Relationships: Laura, 4th grade, ELL/Gifted

In this very first episode of Teacher Tales, we talk to Laura, a 4th grade teacher in Florida who has been teaching for 20 years. She has taught 3rd and 4th grade ELL and Gifted classes. Her story tells us about the importance of building relationships with students, meeting students where they are in their learning journey and creating little “social justice warriors” for the greater good of humanity!

2 thoughts on “Teacher Tales #1-Building Relationships: Laura, 4th grade, ELL/Gifted

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation and have shared it with other educators. I especially loved it when Laura filled in the blank: My greatest hope for all children is…

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