May Days

May is a special month.

It is the end of another school year for most.

It is a beginning of the summer break, warmer temps and travel.

May is not just the fifth month of the calendar year, however.

It is also a verb, from the Old English mæg “am able”.

We use the word “may” also to ask permission…an old favorite of teachers everywhere.

Student – “Can I go to the bathroom?”

Teacher – “I don’t know, can you?”

After a confused look or eye roll from the student, the teacher then replies: “Yes, you MAY go to the bathroom”.

So, why am I going on and on about the word “may”?

Because I want to send teachers off into their summer with 
some permissions, abilities and “may days” (as opposed to “may daze”).

Summer list of MAYs for teachers:

#1 – Do what you MAY and don’t ask permission to do whatever you need to do for yourself, your family, your friends in order to re-connect with everything that is important in your relationships.

#2 – Remember that you are capABLE and that you are ABLE to do whatever you want over the summer to recharge your batteries, rejuvenate your teacher SPIRIT and set the course for another great school year ahead.

#3 – Come what MAY, you get to hit “re-set” in August (or September) and start anew.

If you choose to do absolutely nothing or to just do schoolwork over the summer, you will end up going back to school in the Fall in a DAZE, from late 14c., dasen, “be stunned; make bewildered,” perhaps from Old Norse *dasa (compare dasask “to become weary.”  (

Also, we don’t want to send out a “MAY DAY” signal of distress and S.O.S. because you didn’t prioritize yourself and your needs over the summer so that you could come back to school in tip top shape, matey!

So, start making your MAY DAYS list now for your summer FUN times!

I hope teachers spend their summer in JOY and practice the three R’s of summer:



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