Magic and Sparkles

Everything is better when magic and sparkles are included!

And I mean that is true for both in the classroom and outside in the real world.

It’s not just found at Disney World or Disneyland.

To hook students and to also encourage them to keep trying when they were struggling or stuck on a concept or problem or content to learn, I break out my Disney Magic Hat and magic wand and wave it in the air above the student.

I tell them that I am creating happy “Disney Magic” to help them get over any obstacles or hurdles that they are experiencing.

Do you remember as a kid how magical the effects of sparklers are during the Fourth of July or when they are placed upon a birthday cake like they do in other countries.

It creates awe and inspiration and celebration and hope in our hearts.

It is magical.

I don’t allow glitter, which does indeed sparkle, in the classroom because it is too hard to clean up.

So, how do I create “magic sparkles” in the classroom for my students

 as well as outside the classroom for myself?

In this blog post, I am not talking about “sparkles” as in…what can we do to motivate students to learn or light a fire in them (or under them?)

Instead, I am talking about the little things we can do to bring simple moments of joy and delight to the classroom.

Things that will light us up light a pinball machine and feel the energy pulsing through our veins.

Sweet moments that will build connections and relationships and community and memories.

Actions and deeds and events that will mark milestones in their learning journey.

What are the little, simple things that we can do outside of the routine, outside of the prescribed curriculum, outside of the constant demands of teaching and learning?



Curiosity and creativity.

Exploration, wonder, awe and choice.

Positive feedback and affirmations.

Small and meaningful celebrations.  

Connect with other classes or with the community through mentoring or other acts of service.

Let students pair up, work in groups and give them empowering choices. 

Go for a walk outside and take in the fresh air or sit in the grass or ???

Have moments and activities that are a “treat” and out of the ordinary routine.


What do you do with your students that bring simple joy, awesome delight

 and sweet moments that help the classroom light up and sparkle and shine?


Image credit:

sparkler” by cluczkow is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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