Happy Endings

The end of the first semester of classes is upon us.

We have all been working hard for almost 18 weeks now trying to teach, learn and achieve goals.

We have had good days.

We have had bad days.

We have had ups.

We have had downs.

We have had fun.

We have had drama.

We have been sad, happy, angry, frustrated and all around the emotional block many times…in one day even!

Just like a story playing out in a movie.

The classroom is a reflection of life and the world we live in.

The question is…will we make our story this semester into a horror story, a drama, a comedy, a tale of super-human powers or will we choose to make it a love story with a happy ending?

It IS the season of Hallmark movies, you know!

There is a lot of push-back about toxic positivity in education.

There is also a lot of push-back about calling teachers heroes.

Nonetheless, I will always be in the positive charge for energy in the classroom.

AND, I also know a lot about the Hero’s Journey as described by Joseph Campbell, and I will always believe that each and every one of us is the hero of our own story and journey in life.

So, how can we have a happy ending to this first semester, even though it may not have met all our expectations or we haven’t met all our goals or the students have not measured up to our standards?

We CHOOSE to find all the GOOD that has happened during this first semester and put all that in the WIN COLUMN indicated by a ++++++++++++charge.

Then, we celebrate!

Next, we put all the things that we feel got “lost” along the way or left behind in our learning journey, and we prioritize those for the next semester.

We also let go of what didn’t serve us or the students well.

We let go of what doesn’t really matter in the bigger picture of learning.

We focus on finding more ways to create a +++++++++ charge in ourselves and in our students.

We ALL have the ability to change the script of our lives and to create a happy ending, no matter what.

Like  the movie camera, we may need to change the lens, zoom in or zoom out, re-focus.

Like in a movie, we get a chance for re-takes and doing our scenes over and over and over until we get them “right” or the way we want to show up on the big screen of life.

We are the screenwriter, director, producer, actor, editor and promoter of our own movie.

We are teachers, and as such, we can write that happy ending to our love story for children. 

That’s why we got into the “biz” in the first place, right?

Best wishes for a happy ending for 2023 and an even better script ahead in 2024!


Revere Eight movie camera 1946” by Nesster is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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