Spirit Journey: SINCERITY

The word “sincere” is from the Latin word for “whole” or “one growth”.  An often repeated folk etymology proposes that sincere is derived from the Latin sine = without, cera = wax.  According to one popular explanation, dishonest sculptors in Rome or Greece would cover flaws in their work with wax to deceive the viewer; therefore, a sculpture “without wax” would mean honesty in its perfection.

Perfection. How many of us fall victim to this luring illusion that seems to promise us a feeling of wholeness and completeness? How many of us expect this from our students?  We are all shooting for that 100%, right?

Why are we afraid to be vulnerable and flawed? Why can’t we be authentic and true to ourselves?

Some of the greatest teachers I know embody authenticity and vulnerability 
and model these characteristics for their students. 
As a result, profound relationships and learning flourish and grow in these classrooms.

No “waxing over” things and filling in holes, cracks or gaps in children or teachers in order to create an illusion of perfection. The cracks or holes are the parts of us that let the light shine through.  The cracks/holes/flaws are what is authentic about each of us, and it is through these cracks and the cracks of others that compassion seeps out and creates a coating of loving kindness. No wax necessary!

So, how can we bring more sincerity into the classroom?



We ask our students all the time to “pay attention”.  Why?

What is our intention behind the request?

What results are we expecting?

What does attention look like, and how do we know/measure it?

What purpose does “paying attention” serve?

Attention-attentive-attend to… 

from attendere "give heed to," literally "to stretch toward," 

from ad "to, toward"  tendere  “stretch." 

As teachers, we have to pay attention to a lot of things. One of the first things administrators look for when evaluating a teacher is “with-it-ness”. Are they paying attention to the things that we think they should be paying attention to?

“With-it-ness” is really just another word for “awareness”. To be aware of something is to be awakened and open to what is going on, and then, from there to make choices. What choices are we making as teachers?


The Power of Community

There is great power in community.  And by power, I mean the energy of the heart that connects us through our common humanity  The energy of support, encouragement, validation, guidance, compassion and love of the “me” that I see in “you”.

Common = “belonging to all” +  unity = “state of being one.” 
We can all come together, communicate, connect and learn from one another.

There is no curriculum map for life’s learning journey.

There are just lessons to be learned and to be shared in community.

We all need support, encouragement, validation, guidance, compassion and love.  We need to be inspired.  We need to be lifted up.  We need to reach out and make a difference by touching the hearts of others.

As teachers and students are heading back to school, 
with many questions, few answers and a lot of anxiety, 
what can we do to tap into the power of this community and help?


The Teacher Voice

How do teachers use their voice both in the classroom and beyond?  Too often the voice of the teacher is portrayed by the “wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah” sound that echoed in the classroom of the Peanuts characters created by Charles Shultz. 

          The teacher voice is so much more.  What we say and how we 
          say it holds enormous power and potential impact on children…
          ....for better or for worse...!  How do you use your teacher voice?


Vulnerability in teaching

Teachers are vulnerable under normal circumstances.  Every day, we present ourselves through our lessons and are open and vulnerable to judgment from all of our students, parents, colleagues and administrators.  I can think of no other profession where this is true, especially on a daily basis.  Teachers have to always be “on” and moving.  No privacy or protection from emotional exposure by working at a desk, in an office/ cubicle, behind closed doors or facing just the screen of a computer.  If we are grappling with personal issues, health issues, family issues, financial issues…any issues, we throw them in our backpack and carry them to school with us.  But then, when do we deal with them during our action-packed, always on, “keep moving so you don’t get behind and everyone will know it” day? 

Hope from the heart

If we tap into our heart, we will ALWAYS find the answer.  It doesn’t matter if we are struggling or if our students are struggling, if we pause and check in with our heart, we will find the direction and the pathway that will lead us to resolution and peace.  Right now, we are all living from a place of fear.  Fear of the unknown.  Fear of not being enough for our students or them not being enough to meet our expectations.  Fear of failure.  Fear of not being able to provide what our students needed before this crisis, during this crisis or for the rest of the school year.  FEAR = Feeling Every Added Regret.  Regrets of the monkey mind.  Fictional tales of regret we allow ourselves to make up in our minds like the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future from a Charles Dickens novel. 


Calling of the spirit

The spirit of teaching…what does that mean?  It is not a religious reference nor will one find it listed in a glossary of teaching terms.  It is not something that can be defined by tests, data, numbers, letters, scores, scales, standards or any of the other common measurement tools and terms used to define education today.  It is not an ephemeral phrase like many of the buzz words that pass through the pedagogical winds of time.  It is something that beckons the heart of humanity and whispers in the ears of a chosen few to answer the calling…the calling to serve, guide, inspire and facilitate children learning more about who they truly are and what unique gifts they have to share with the world.  We are here to make a difference and create a better world for the future through children.  The spirit of teaching starts in the heart and ends in the heart. (more…)