Bring Your A-Game

Teaching is demanding, difficult and overwhelming at times.

As we explored in the last blog post, teachers are “in the arena” all the time.

So, how do we “stay in the game” let alone “bring our A-game” in such trying, demanding times?

The term “bring your A-Game” originated in the mid twentieth century and was used mostly to describe athletes.  

According to an online idioms dictionary: 

“It refers to bringing maximum effort, focus and undeniable commitment.

It is an encouragement to do your best…no excuses.

When you bring your A-Game, it means that

you are leaving nothing on the field, court, home or work center.

You are giving it your all.”

Let’s explore this and put it all into perspective.  (more…)

Daring Greatly!

The most influential quote by Teddy Roosevelt for me is the following:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again… who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.

Yes, go ahead…read it again…and again…and again!

Print it onto a poster. Hang on a wall. 

Put it on your desk in a picture frame.

Put it in your lesson plans!

It is powerful!  And inspiring!

Teacher are in the arena not only during school hours, but also after school hours.

How can we manage this and not feel like we are a target or 
like we are going into battle or part of a public “spectacle”?


Are You Listening?

Along with all of the resources provided by the Spirit of Teaching, I have also been doing a podcast called Teacher Tales.

The purpose of the podcast is to let teachers share their stories or “tales” of teaching with the hope that their stories, insights, words of wisdom and experiences will serve as lessons as well as sources of inspiration to other teachers.

It is also a form of advocacy and legacy-building effort for the profession as these stories serve as insights to what it is really like to be a teacher. The public often has a skewed viewpoint, and the podcast can help those who are not teachers see things more clearly and realistically.

As each podcast guest teacher shares their story, a theme of main ideas and some really inspiring lessons seem to come through for the listener.

For example, in Teacher Tales Episode #5, I talk to Meredith, a dear friend and fellow conference “junkie”. Meredith is an amazing teacher and human being whose positive energy, authenticity and sense of humor lifts you up and takes you away on a magic carpet ride to a “whole new world” of teaching (a little Aladdin-style), but at the same time she reminds teachers to stay real and set one priority in this moment that will help us find balance and sustainability in what we do.

It is a little like reminding us that wherever we go, Abu is always along for the ride. You remember Abu, right? That mischievous little monkey who is a kleptomaniac, gets frustrated rather easily and hates to be made a fool of. At the same time, Abu is loyal, unselfish, big-hearted, empathic and benevolent.

Hmmmm, sounds like a metaphor for teaching. As teachers, we want to take those students on that magic carpet ride of learning. We want to help them see the world in a whole new perspective that will uplift their efforts and their view of themselves.

However, we also need to remember Abu is always with us on that journey.

What, you say? How is that? (more…)

Teacher Inosculation

I came across an article recently entitled “Nature’s Eternal Embrace: The Extraordinary Bond of Inosculation” by Hasan Jasim. 

You can read the article here.

I have found myself longing to be outside in the healing context of Mother Nature.

But alas, it has been so hot, buggy and uncomfortable to spend more than five minutes outside. So, I have found myself hibernating and somewhat isolating in reading things and also in my thoughts.

First of all, it reminds me of how we do this as teachers in our classrooms.

For whatever reasons, we isolate in our classrooms with “our kids” and don’t get outside much to interact with our colleagues or teammates.

I witnessed the danger of this firsthand when a first year teacher in my school struggled to adjust to all the demands of teaching, and isolated herself in her classroom. She was afraid to get help because she felt she would be judged as not enough or incompetent.

After three months, she had a nervous breakdown and had to leave the profession.

This had a HUGE IMPACT on me.

I felt I had not done my part as a “seasoned veteran teacher” to help her.

Small things such as…

Stop by her classroom and see how she was doing.

Ask her how I could support her in her new teacher role.

Encourage, inspire and uplift her…just listen and offer hugs and words of affirmation.

Something, somehow to let her know she was not alone and that we had ALL been there (and maybe some of us still were!)

I decided I needed to do something to help connect with these new teachers and build a supportive school community…as much for the newbies as for those of us who were perhaps struggling with burnout and our own form of isolation.

Now, what does all of this backstory mean and how does it connect to Mother Nature, teachers and this new word “inosculation”? (more…)


A little like Bruno, from the Disney film, Encanto, we don’t talk about imperfections in the classroom.

We are all aiming for and expecting that A+, perfection, right?

Even though we say “C” is “average”, we don’t accept nor strive for average.

Everything is about competition and being the BEST!

In the movie, Encanto, which, by the way is a brilliant film with so many underlying meanings and symbolism (like most Disney films) there are several themes addressed: identity, power dynamics, family, generational trauma, healing and forgiveness.

Just a side note, Disney films originated with taking fairy tales, fables and myths from other cultures and turning them into films for story-telling purposes of teaching lessons (like the original intention of these genre of literature).

So, let’s talk about Bruno, even though “we don’t talk about Bruno”!

Bruno represents the perceived “imperfection” of the Madrigal family, and he is willing to talk about it. 

Unfortunately, he is perceived as “not a good person” because of that and is villainized by his family. So, he exiles himself from the family and lives in fear of his own potential.

Identity crisis, power dynamics, generational trauma…

Think of how much this plays out at home and in the classroom every day…with students and with teachers, especially since the pandemic.

Why don’t we talk about these issues? Why can’t we be vulnerable?

When we perceive that we have imperfections or we are told that we do…repeatedly…

we begin to believe them.

Then, what?


The Teacher SPIRIT

Like so many educators today, I left the educational profession because my school “SPIRIT” was suffering.

I didn’t know what that meant at the time or exactly how to describe it because really I was focused on my poor health and inability to walk very far without my legs giving out on me.

I left the profession “broken” both physically and mentally.

I literally had “fallen”, and I could’t get up.

I was lost with no sense or real direction(s).

So, when I walked across Spain on the Camino Francés, with each step I took and each person I met and each experience I had, I learned a lesson.

And these lessons eventually led me back to my true teaching SPIRIT.

I wanted to share the lessons from my journey with others, especially teachers, to somehow help them find their way back to their true SPIRIT.

I founded The Spirit of Teaching, created a website of resources and started a podcast called Teacher Tales in which teachers can tell their stories of teaching and what makes up a true teaching SPIRIT.

Of course being a teacher and in the field of education, I developed an acronym to help remember the qualities and aspirations of a true teaching SPIRIT (which is why it is capitalized and really should have periods in between each letter).

They can be found on this website and shared with others.

Check them out here.  

Print them out and put them in your plan book.

Journal about them.

Post the mantras and “yellow arrow” guides around your classroom, home, office, car, etc.

There are even more resources that can help guide you and keep you on your intended path.

Check them out here.

You also might want to purchase my book Learning Lessons which is a real treasure trove of insight, resources, guidance and activities that you can use to help inspire and guide you back to your own True Self and the teaching SPIRIT in all of us!

Link to purchase Learning Lessons.


Photo credit:

created by Linda Markley in Canva

Teacher Professional Development

Attending professional development training is a requirement for teachers to renew their teaching certificates every five years.

Even though it is still summer break, teachers are already either attending professional development over the summer. Or they are already planning for their professional development in the upcoming year during pre-planning or during the designated district PD Days.

I have noticed a trend in social media posts that are lashing out about trainers or mentors for professional development who have not been in the classroom in recent years.

I can read the frustration and resentment between the lines of these posts and totally understand and respect them.

In fact, much of the overwhelming negativity that comes from teachers I can understand and respect. I get human nature and the life of teaching, no matter what decade we are talking about.

HOWEVER, as some teachers become more and more aggressive about voicing these frustrations, I am compelled to offer a different perspective.

For some teachers, their Ego tells them: “I already know everything I need to know and no one else is going to tell me how to teach.”

For some teachers, their anxiety tells them: “I have so much to do and am barely keeping up with what I already know how to do. I can’t take on another new trick or another new thing on my plate.”

For some teachers, their resentment tells them: “Not many professions require employees to spend their time seeking professional development in order to keep their license and/or credentials, so why should I?’ 

For some teachers, their anger tells them: “You don’t know me or the kids I teach, so you can’t offer anything that is going to help. You are just wasting my time.”

I could go on, but you get the picture.

So, what could possibly be a perspective that would help allay the negativity that is associated with attending a professional development day/session, especially one led by a teacher who has not been in the classroom in the last several years? (more…)

Teacher Evaluations

The other day, my husband and I were talking about teacher evaluations and all the expectations and accountability that are placed on teachers.

His perspective is from the business world and being a manager/administrator who did annual “reviews” of his employees.

First of all, they called them “reviews”, which is perhaps more appealing than “evaluations”.

Evaluation = from the Latin valere meaning to be of value or worth.

Instead of reviewing or taking another view(point) or look at the person’s performance over the past year with the intention of deciding what went well and what needs to change (plus-delta approach)…

…it seems that what administrators are being asked to do is determine what “value” to place on a teacher or decide what that teacher is “worth”.

I prefer a different model for reviewing or evaluating people’s participation and performance in an event called the “plus-delta” approach.

Technically, the “plus-delta” model was designed and developed by the aviation and medical industries as a debriefing system for meetings, simulations and practices.

This approach uses more “improvement” oriented language rather than language that may be considered too negative, judgmental and discouraging. 

How could the delta-plus model be better implemented in education, 

especially for teacher evaluations?


Rules and Rulers

Words are powerful!

The etymology of words is so fascinating and fun and can give us great insight and inspiration to life’s challenges as well as rewards.

According to, the origin of the word rule is “ from Vulgar Latin *regula, from Latin regula “straight stick, bar, ruler;” figuratively “a pattern, a model,” related to regere “to rule, straighten, guide” (from PIE root *reg- “move in a straight line,” with derivatives meaning “to direct in a straight line,” thus “to lead, rule”).”

 Rules are a big part of the classroom culture and a teacher’s foundation for managing that culture. However, rules and the rulers who implement them can sometimes create an imbalance in power that controls and suppresses rather than “guides” or “directs in a straight line”.

Usually the teacher has their rules listed on a poster in the classroom, hands out a copy of the rules to the students and goes over them on the first day of class. 

Sometimes the rules are in the form of “Don’t” as in “don’t talk when the teacher is talking”. 

Sometimes they are in the form of “Be” –  “Be quiet and respectful”.

Sometimes they are in the form of “Do” – “Always do your best”.

Sometimes they include absolutes like “never” or “always”.

Whatever form they come in, rules are intended to regulate the culture of the classroom.

Culture, in terms of world languages instruction, is defined as the “products, practices and perspectives” of the people that make up a community.

Notice that the word for ruler also comes from regula as in a straight stick to measure/guide.

So, what can we glean from the etymology of these words, as teachers,

that can help us with our classroom culture? (more…)

Hocus-Pocus Teaching in Scary Times

It is October, and things are heating up for teachers as the weather cools down.

FALL is in the air.

Teachers may feel like things are not “falling” into place or that they are “falling” down on the job because it is the end of the grading period, and they are having a hard time keeping up with…

…too many students trying to make up work they should have done weeks ago

…too many parents reacting negatively, and yes, even aggressively (bullying) because their    child does not have the grade they want them to have and, somehow, that’s the teacher’s fault

…too many emails, meetings, papers to grade, parent conferences, admin visits for evaluation

…too many things to JUGGLE

Teachers maybe need a little bit of HOCUS-POCUS.

Did you know that the origin of the phrase HOCUS-POCUS is from the Latin phrase hicce es doctus, which means here is the learned man. ( 

The phrase eventually became used by jugglers and magicians to refer to their craft/sleight of hand.

Nowadays, the phrase “hocus-pocus” conjures up the wildly popular Disney film of the same name, which has just released a part 2.

So, what do Fall, Hocus-Pocus, October, jugglers, magicians and teachers have in common?



The power of belief is truly inestimable!

As teachers, especially, it is our greatest super-power. To believe in a child, in their potential and in their value has a more lasting and meaningful impact on their lives than any content we could ever get them to master and appreciate.

Times are tough right now though, and mustering up the power of belief is hard.

The pandemic has become like Kryptonite for teachers, and they feel like they have lost their power to do anything meaningful or effective.

So, how do we tap into that power of belief again? (more…)


What is the difference between empathy, sympathy and compassion? 

Which is more important in the classroom, in our home, in the world…in life?

Take a look at the etymology of the three words below, and decide which you think is most important and most needed in the classroom today.

                    empathy – from Greek empatheia, “passion” or “state of emotion”

                    sympathy – from Late Latin sympathia, “community of feeling” or “fellow feelings”

                    compassion – from Late Latin compati, “with pity” or “suffer together”

Do a search on the three, and you will get a myriad of definitions and interpretations.

Nonetheless, they are all intertwined and an essential part of the human heart, in making connections, in nurturing relationships and in supporting personal growth.

Let’s first look at empathy vs. sympathy, which many consider to be the same.

According to the research of Dr. Brené Brown, 

“empathy fuels connection, sympathy drives disconnection.”

With empathy, we see and feel the vulnerability in the other person and, as a result, offer them our presence, understanding and love. There is no judgment, just a sensation in the body that says, “I feel your pain and suffering, and you are not alone.”

With sympathy, we see the pain and try to fix it or offer up a “silver lining” by often starting off with the expression, “well, at least…”.

Sympathy in the classroom looks like this:

Teacher A says, “OMG, I am so upset! My kids did really poorly on that test. I don’t understand what happened. We all worked so hard, and they seemed to understand.”

Teacher B says, “Yeah, I know what you mean. My kids did poorly too, but I’m not going to let it upset me. My kids are just lazy and don’t do what they are supposed to do.”

Empathy in the classroom looks like this:

Teacher A says, “OMG, I am so upset!. My kids did really poorly on that test. I don’t understand what happened. We all worked so hard, and they seemed to understand.”

Teacher B says, “Yeah, I feel that way too. I completely understand what you mean. My kids did poorly too, and I am still trying to figure out what we could have done differently too.”


It seems to me that the entire teaching profession, on the inside and the outside, has an overabundance of sympathy and not enough empathy.

It seems everyone has a solution of what to do, how to fix the broken system, and magically make teachers and students happy and whole again. 

From the outside looking in to the classroom:

Teacher: I am so exhausted. I am working so hard and can barely stay afloat.

Parent/community:  Well, at least you have your summers off, and you can rest then.

Teacher:  I am struggling to make ends meet for my family on a teacher’s salary.

Parent/community: Hmmmm, maybe you could not spend so much money on supplies

for your classroom or give up that latté on your way to school.


I invite you all, especially if you are a teacher, to listen to the conversations going on in the classroom and outside the classroom. They could be in emails, casual conversations at the grocery store, gossip at a party or a sporting event…anywhere interpersonal communication is happening. 

Write them down for more impact to your heart because some of them are horrific, unfair, unfounded and trauma-inducing!

So, where does compassion come in?


SPIRIT Journey: Resilience

“Resilience” is from Latin resiliens, “to rebound, recoil, to jump, leap” Also, used in 1800’s to mean “elasticity”.

For me, resilience means to move forward even when faced with challenges, obstacles and shortcomings. However, it does not mean to keep pushing and pushing to the point of burnout.

Resilience is not measured in terms of suffering. 

It is not about reaching a goal no matter what toll it takes on us. 

It is not about the price we think we have to pay 
or the sacrifices we have to make to move forward. 

There has been so much research done on resilience to determine what makes someone “succeed” or “triumph in the face of adversity”. As well, there have been many connections made between our level of happiness and well-being as correlated to our level of resilience. 

You ask most people what they want most in life, and they say “to be happy”.  And, for me, there are as many definitions and pathways to happiness as there are people in the world. Perhaps that is what I finally found on the Camino was true happiness…bliss.  I found my way back to my True Self and the core of my (well) being.  

But the truth is that since returning from the Camino, I have lost my way a couple of times when there were big life changes and challenges. Fear came up again, and I had to be curious and discover new ways to cope with those fears by getting out of my mind and checking in with my heart through courage to find the “right” answers that would work for me. 

I was stretched beyond my comfort zone of beliefs and best practices, but through courage and all the aspects of SPIRIT lessons that I am always talking about, I have been able to take leaps of faith to bounce back from all adversity. SPIRIT creates the elasticity I need to cope, survive and overcome so that I can take that next step into my well-being and find my way back home.

What does it mean to be “resilient” and  triumph in the face of adversity”?  Here are some interpretations of this expression through my “lentes”.  (more…)

SPIRIT Journey: Integration

“Integration”, means “the act of bringing together the parts of a whole,” from Late Latin integrationem  “renewal, restoration,” and from past participle stem of Latin integrare “make whole, renew, begin again”.

There is a lot of talk in education about integration, 
but in many different, and sometimes confusing, ways. 

Integration (with inclusion) means that exceptional students are being partially taught in the mainstream classroom and that activities are adapted so that these students can “fit in” with their mainstream peers…to make part of the whole.

Then, there is an integrated curriculum, which allows children to pursue learning in a holistic (whole) way and brings out the interconnectedness of all curricular areas.

Integrated skills focuses on the four language skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking through a holistic communicative language teaching approach bringing all these skills together and not used in isolation.

There’s also integrated lessons, integrated technology, integrated classroom, integrated schools, integrated teaching, integrated learning, integrated data, integrated systems, integrated “you name it”.

There are so many buzz words in education that incorporate the word "integrated".  
So, why is that? 
And is the word "integration" related to the word "integrity"?

The concept of making connections and bringing those parts together to make a whole lot of sense out of things when learning so that we can move up Bloom’s Taxonomy and apply them to our lives and the real world is the key to lifelong learning and becoming a whole, well-rounded, self-actualized (Maslow’s Hierarchy) human being.

But are we truly applying the concept of integration faithfully and truly in education? 
Are we maintaining our integrity in the use and application of the word?



We ask our students all the time to “pay attention”.  Why?

What is our intention behind the request?

What results are we expecting?

What does attention look like, and how do we know/measure it?

What purpose does “paying attention” serve?

Attention-attentive-attend to… 

from attendere "give heed to," literally "to stretch toward," 

from ad "to, toward"  tendere  “stretch." 

As teachers, we have to pay attention to a lot of things. One of the first things administrators look for when evaluating a teacher is “with-it-ness”. Are they paying attention to the things that we think they should be paying attention to?

“With-it-ness” is really just another word for “awareness”. To be aware of something is to be awakened and open to what is going on, and then, from there to make choices. What choices are we making as teachers?


Vulnerability in teaching

Teachers are vulnerable under normal circumstances.  Every day, we present ourselves through our lessons and are open and vulnerable to judgment from all of our students, parents, colleagues and administrators.  I can think of no other profession where this is true, especially on a daily basis.  Teachers have to always be “on” and moving.  No privacy or protection from emotional exposure by working at a desk, in an office/ cubicle, behind closed doors or facing just the screen of a computer.  If we are grappling with personal issues, health issues, family issues, financial issues…any issues, we throw them in our backpack and carry them to school with us.  But then, when do we deal with them during our action-packed, always on, “keep moving so you don’t get behind and everyone will know it” day? 