The Teacher Voice

How do teachers use their voice both in the classroom and beyond?  Too often the voice of the teacher is portrayed by the “wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah” sound that echoed in the classroom of the Peanuts characters created by Charles Shultz. 

          The teacher voice is so much more.  What we say and how we 
          say it holds enormous power and potential impact on children…
          ....for better or for worse...!  How do you use your teacher voice?


Educate to Elevate

As if a pandemic were not enough, once again, teachers are being called to step forward and rise up in service to our culture, our society, our communities, our humanity.  Our passion to open the hearts and minds of children and empower them through learning is being called forth to make a difference through education.  “Educate” related to educere “bring out, lead forth”. 

 In the spirit of teaching, we must all EDUCATE TO ELEVATE minds and hearts 
beyond the darkness of ignorance and into enLIGHTenment 
in order to set us all free.

How will you choose to make a difference and bring forth a more clear vision of what diversity, inclusion and social justice mean and what they will look like in your classroom? (more…)

Teacher Appreciation

Appreciate…from the Latin word appretiatus meaning “to set a price”.  Other meanings have evolved over time as “to value highly” or “to rise in value”.  Geesh, have we seen this come true during the recent developments due to COVID-19?!  Although there has always been discussion around paying teachers a salary more commensurate to jobs with similar requirements for education and skills needed, never have we truly considered the true value of a teacher beyond the monetary value attached to them.  Students, parents, administrators…well, basically, just about every human being on the planet, is finally waking up and recognizing the real value of teachers in this world.  Their value is now being measured in the currencies of relationships, connections and heart and how much value they add to society, community and family.  (more…)

Calling of the spirit

The spirit of teaching…what does that mean?  It is not a religious reference nor will one find it listed in a glossary of teaching terms.  It is not something that can be defined by tests, data, numbers, letters, scores, scales, standards or any of the other common measurement tools and terms used to define education today.  It is not an ephemeral phrase like many of the buzz words that pass through the pedagogical winds of time.  It is something that beckons the heart of humanity and whispers in the ears of a chosen few to answer the calling…the calling to serve, guide, inspire and facilitate children learning more about who they truly are and what unique gifts they have to share with the world.  We are here to make a difference and create a better world for the future through children.  The spirit of teaching starts in the heart and ends in the heart. (more…)