C.A.R.E. Packages

As teachers, we know what this time of year means.

The end of the semester race, crunch and sprint.

We kind of get into our flow by October, but by the time November rolls around, we face many hurdles ahead.

  1. Thanksgiving 
  2. Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza
  3. Semester exams 
  4. Semester grades
  5. New Year and Admin visits/evaluations

WHEW! Did I just ramp up your stress level by a million percent?

Not intended, but just a list of the reality teachers face in the months of November and December.

AS IF their plates were not already full or even overflowing with “all the things” teachers have to do, but THEN, to add all the extra things that the holidays bring with them.

Crowded stores, tightening budget, lack of sleep, very limited time/money/sanity/energy…

Overflow of stress from kids and their parents dealing with their own holiday stressors.

All the food, sweets and holiday parties tempting us around every corner.


Sounds like teachers really could use a C.A.R.E. package to rescue them during Nov. and Dec.

So, what can we do to care for teachers during this time?

AND more importantly, what can teachers do to C.A.R.E. for themselves as things crank up during Nov. and Dec.?

For teachers, we hear a lot about self-care with a wealth of ideas of how to do that throughout the school year.

BUT, for this especially stressful time of year, I would like to suggest this special kind of C.A.R.E.


Only do those things that bring you comfort and joy. You know, those things that are self-soothing, validating, inspiring and calm the central nervous system and warm your heart and soul. Spend quality time with yourself and with your loved ones above all – give yourself permission to do this and to let go of some of those things from school. You have already been giving 200% during Aug – Oct.


Authentic means “true”, “real” and what is “authored by me”. Tap into the REAL meaning of teaching, the holidays and tune into your TRUE SELF. Make sure your decisions align with what is REAL important to you and don’t get caught up in too much of the spirit of giving. Teachers are generous in heart and can overextend easily. Set boundaries that will help you stay TRUE to your heart.


Be aware of your limits and give yourself permission to set boundaries. Recognize what you, your students, your colleagues, your admin and your loved ones are capable of and don’t demand more of them that is necessary. Recognize and acknowledge that it is a stressful time of year and that we are ALL doing the BEST we can…in school, out of school, on the roads, in the stores, in our hearts. Sometimes we go unconscious for a moment of two when we are stressed, but KINDNESS will ALWAYS awaken the holiday spirit and reap many gifts of peace, love and joy!


Do whatever recharges your batteries and helps you stay balanced and moving forward. Don’t allow other to drain your batteries with too many demands, negativity, projections or any other toxic behaviors. Find your energy in the warmth and glow of those you choose to have surround you. Drink in kindness and let it fill your heart so that it grows three sizes, like that of the Grinch.  We cannot give away what we don’t have, so we must remember to keep our own cup filled first before we can fill that of others.

Finally, here are some links to sites that prepare CARE PACKAGES to send to others…or maybe even to send one to ourselves.


Spoon Full of Comfort 

Care Crates    

New York Times list of BEST Care Packages  


Image credit:

care package to go back to school” by BellaGaia is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


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