Bring Your A-Game

Teaching is demanding, difficult and overwhelming at times.

As we explored in the last blog post, teachers are “in the arena” all the time.

So, how do we “stay in the game” let alone “bring our A-game” in such trying, demanding times?

The term “bring your A-Game” originated in the mid twentieth century and was used mostly to describe athletes.  

According to an online idioms dictionary: 

“It refers to bringing maximum effort, focus and undeniable commitment.

It is an encouragement to do your best…no excuses.

When you bring your A-Game, it means that

you are leaving nothing on the field, court, home or work center.

You are giving it your all.”

Let’s explore this and put it all into perspective. 

During this time of year, there is A LOT on everyone’s plate…both literally and figuratively.

Our teacher checklists seem like a scroll that could wrap around the world several times!

Testing, testing, testing

Constant change in routine due to testing

High anxiety

Too much to still do and content to cover and skills to “master”

Final teacher observations and formal evaluations

Kids out sick, we are sick …. and TIRED!

Make-up work

Catch-up work

Meetings, meetings and MORE (useless) meetings

If you are “giving your all”, that is, all you have to give under the conditions of the demands on your energy, time, mental and physical well-being, then THAT IS YOUR “A-GAME”. 

By the definition above: A-Game = bringing maximum effort, focus and undeniable commitment.

THAT is what teachers are doing every single day they step into the classroom!

So, don’t beat yourself up and make more ridiculous demands on yourself, or worse yet, garnish your already overflowing plates with guilt and shame!

Lately, I have heard so many people, including myself, tell teachers this:

You are still in the game.

You show up every day and do your best.

Your best is good enough, and so are you! 

You ARE bringing your A-Game, so ….

Just focus.


Do your best.

Give it your all.

Don’t leave anyone or anything on the field.

Just stay in the arena.

You are daring greatly!

You’ve got this!

And thank you for all you do!

Listen to these teachers on the podcast, Teacher Tales, and be inspired by how they bring their A-Game to the classroom every day!

Teacher Tales #1-Building Relationships: Laura, 4th grade, ELL/Gifted

Teacher Tales #5 – The Importance of Priority, Balance and Sustainability: Meredith, HS Spanish Teacher, Conference “junkie” and T.O.Y.

Teacher Tales #13 – Awareness of cultural and linguistic diversity in school, joy in math, tough love and life lessons for all: Annie, math teacher from the Philippines, master motivator and baker!


Image credit:

Scotland to host 2014 Commonwealth Games – skirts not compulsory say organisers!” by foxypar4 is licensed under CC BY 2.0.



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