Hi everyone! My name is Linda Markley, and I have been a teacher my whole(hearted) life. As a child, I set up a library in our garage where neighborhood kids could come and check out books for reading and, hopefully, discussing. I then started a free tutoring service. When I was in junior high, I offered free classes in the summer centered on themes such as holiday celebrations, culture, travel, art, music and anything related to the humanities. I loved learning, and my heart was always whispering to me to find a way to connect and communicate with others and create a community of learning.
My calling to teach started young and, like for most teachers, blossomed into a beautiful bouquet of loving memories. I mostly taught Spanish (Hola!) and French (Bonjour!), but at times I was called to teach math (2×2=4) as well as typing (asdfjkl;). I have taught every age group from 3 year olds to 90 year olds. I have taught in private and pubic schools, in under-served and privileged areas. I have endured the persistently swinging pendulum of educational trends through six decades and survived because of one basic guiding principle. The ONE thing I have found to be constant, consistent and critical to education in every context and circumstance is the spirit of the heart.
I still volunteer and work with children all the time, however, my focus has become more about working with and supporting teachers as they weather the stormy seas of education that they currently find themselves trying to courageously navigate, usually in a dingy with no paddle or navigation instruments or sail or provisions or clear destination. My intention is to support and inspire fellow teachers, new to the profession and veterans, on this learning journey that started with a calling of the heart and a deep-seated (seeded?) desire to make a difference in the world of children.
Won’t you please join me in the spirit of teaching?
Learn more about the Camino here.
Learn more about my teaching and learning journey in my book here.